Why is it so important to understand where your fears are coming from in your Human Design? So that you can discern between a fear response and what your inner Authority is telling you is correct for you. Without an understanding of the fears most likely to show up for us, or the voice of our logical reasoning talking us out of our Authority response, we are likely to take actions that aren't going to help us live out out our highest expression... or miss out on those that are!
Pull up your Human Design Chart and look at your Ajna Center (the second triangle down from the top of your chart).
The Ajna is one of our three Awareness Centers and is a playground for us to experience viewpoints, analysis, reasoning, insights, opinions, and overall mental processing.
If your Ajna Center is defined (colored in), it operates consistently, in fixed patterns. If it is undefined (white), it has no fixed patterns or consistent way of thinking and you may find you change your mind often, especially when new information is presented.
Notice if any of your Gates are activated. There will be a red line (unconscious) a black line (conscious) or a combination of both a red and black line. If you experience one of the fears of the Human Design Ajna Center Gates regularly, but DON'T have that Gate active in your Design, you may find it helpful to look up your parents', spouse's, or close friend's Designs. It is very possible that you are taking on this conditioning from someone else in one of your undefined Gates.
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Gate 47: Realization, Fear: Futility
You experience the fear that life is oppressive, futile, pointless or unfulfilling. You may struggle to make sense of past experiences and you may have mental anxiety in the form of confusion around them, especially if you don't have Gate 64 active in your Head Center.
Gate 24: Rationalization, Fear: Ignorance
You experience the fear that you will never know the answer, be able to explain your inner knowing, or that the inspiration you seek will never arrive and you may have mental anxiety around resolving the mysteries of live, especially if you don't have Gate 61 active in you Head Center.
Gate 4: Answers, Fear: Chaos
You experience the fear of continual chaos in your life, and lack of order. You have mental anxiety around the need to both find answers and provide the answers others are looking for and find yourself full of doubts and you may have mental anxiety when you aren't finding solutions, especially if you don't have Gate 63 active in your Head Center.
Gate 11: Ideas, Fear: Darkness
You experience the fear of the sense of emptiness that comes from not having new, stimulating ideas or visions to ponder and explore you may have mental anxiety around not being able to share something new and exciting with others, especially if you don't have Gate 56 activated in your Throat Center.
Gate 43: Insight, Fear: Rejection
You experience fear that others will reject you for your unique ideas and perspectives and you may have mental anxiety that you are strange, or freakish, and your inner truth and knowing won't be understood by others, especially if you don't have Gate 23 activated in your Throat Center.
Gate 17: Opinion, Fear: Challenge
You experience fear that your strong opinions don't lack enough detail and will be challenged by others and you may have mental anxiety around this that prevents you from sharing your opinions, especially if you don't have Gate 62 activated in your Throat Center.
Jen Allen | Human Design Consultant
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